A project that mixes living, shopping, and working could be built on the 5800 block of Arapahoe Avenue. Zocalo Community Development will work with Coburn Architecture and other local firms to build Waterview. The new site will have 10 three-story buildings on the 14.86-acre site. A potential issue is that there will only be one point for entering and exiting from Arapahoe Avenue. The question is if the new traffic will cause problems during rush hours. The picture shows where the enter/exit point will be on Arapahoe.

The living aspect at Waterview will have 60 studio apartments, 236 one-bedroom apartments, 32 two-bedroom apartments, and 12 two-bedroom townhomes. About 40% of the apartments will be affordable housing. The rest of the new buildings will be for offices and retail stores. Take a look at the picture to see where the residential, retail, and office spaces will be.

Zocalo wants to build a new neighborhood that will be friendly for bikers and walkers. The proposed site already has an open space, a creek, and a pond. Zocalo is planning to put in a path for walkers and bikers, and a golf course. They want to make Waterview an appealing eastern entrance into Boulder.
A central parking building will hold 215 parking spaces. The housing units will be built around the parking building so that it is hidden. There will be another 180 parking spaces outside the parking building in the retail and office areas. Those spaces will be mostly inside or underneath various buildings.
All those parking spaces means cars will show up to fill them. And that means more traffic on Arapahoe. The next article talks about how the new project might affect traffic.
This project is in review at the City of Boulder Planning and Development Services. Voice your support and/or concerns at the PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING Thursday, August 17, 2017 at 6 p.m. in City Council Chambers Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway (corner of Broadway & Canyon).